
We’re on a journey to make transportation free


We're on a mission to make transit media an engine for human betterment. We do this by elevating, democratising, and delivering relevant advertising to audiences on the move, creating richer and more memorable connections between people, media, and their cities.


  • We literally, and metaphorically, elevate an advertiser's campaign above the rest. Using internet enabled smart screens, we rent the rooftops of taxi and rideshares to make sure a brand's message is seen at all times and on all roads.

  • We scream it loud and say it proud. Override enables SMBs to engage with their audience in a medium controlled by corporate enterprises. With the introduction of programmatic to the region, we’re giving advertisers the power to plan, buy, optimise, and track their campaigns (no matter the size) in real-time.

  • We are ending the age of generic advertising. Through combining location intelligence with audience insights, we communicate relevant messaging to relevant audiences. No longer will out-of-home advertising be a 'one size fits all' medium. It's time for people to start interacting with media experiences that have an impact— there are connections to be made, and Override is here to make them.